Our Brain – Our Super Computer
Part 2
By Carlos M. Garcia, M.D.
7 steps to Macro-Managing your body’s innate ability to heal.
Communication: Let me make it perfectly clear that every one of my campers is told the plan in simple language. I have to share it with them since the camper is the most important tool in their healthcare tool chest. Healing cannot occur without the camper’s willingness to participate.
Food: We need to feed the brain. As stated in part one of this article, the statins do nothing more than put your brain on a weight loss program. To this end, we have a nutritionist on staff that has done extensive research to formulate a vast array of dietary designs to provide the brain with healthy fats. We educate the campers since we want them to be independent, as they were prior to the computer system’s error. I don’t think that eating correctly in order to provide the brain with proper nutrition is harmful, do you?
Oxygenation: An interesting finding is that when people have strokes, about 90% or more of stroke areas are dormant. Studies have demonstrated that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, HBOT, is able to significantly improve the degree of depression in the convalescent stage following cerebral hemorrhage and also promote nerve function recovery. (1) Clinical studies published this year present convincing evidence that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) might be the coveted neuro-therapeutic method for brain repair. (2) The results indicate that HBOT can lead to significant neurological improvements in post stroke patients even at chronic late stages. The observed clinical improvements imply that neuroplasticity can still be activated long after damage onset in regions where there is a brain SPECT/CT (anatomy/physiology) mismatch. (3) However this is just one of the many different ways by which Utopia attempts to oxygenate the brain.
Once again, experience taught me that by approaching a problem with different treatment vectors, concurrently, the camper has a better opportunity to heal through his or her innate healing properties. As with Utopia’s other treatment modalities, we honor the first rule in medicine: do no harm. In case you are wondering why mainstream medicine does not use this approach, all you need to do is study the current medical billing coding system.
However, I do not want you to think that HBOT is the only way we oxygenate the brain or the body. We seek to assist as many different bodily functions concurrently, since no one really knows what is the exact etiology for anyone for what we call dementia or Parkinson’s. At Utopia we focus on individual remedies.
Dentition/Oral Hygiene: How did I learn about dental toxemia? Why don’t the vast majority of practitioners know this? Again being thorough affords me the luxury to venture and read the great works of great physicians who came long before me, which most clinicians scoff at. Currently, medical teaching encourages doctors to ignore previous research with the rouse that modern research techniques are more scientific and reliable. Thus, I ventured into reading the eloquent work done about 100 years ago by Weston Price, DDS. Dr. Price followed Koch’s postulates of research to the tee. Although, the American Dental Association funded his research, the majority of practitioners have ignored his work; I would even venture to say that the majority have never heard of his work.
Thoroughness allows me to indulge in what most would consider a waste of time, or foolhardiness. Given the proximity to the brain it seems reasonable, at least to me, that a thorough evaluation of the mouth is essential and medically indicated.
Most practitioners do not realize that each tooth should be considered as an individual organ. Every tooth has a blood and nerve supply and performs a specific function, just as any other organ has and does. As such, any procedure that destroys or significantly compromises the circulation to a tooth or an organ is unhealthy to say the least.
Infections: Once again mainstream science-based medicine follows the whack-a-mole rules: if I can’t see it (if you have no symptoms) then they wait until a symptom presents or a test proves that it exists. Given the current medical events, by now everyone knows that one can have an infection without clinical symptoms. These individuals are known as asymptomatic. Mainstream medicine approaches infections via antibiotics. Heck, numerous patients have told me that even when diagnosed with the flu, their primary care doctor gave them an antibiotic. Any competent practitioner knows that antibiotics do not affect viruses. In fact, the only form of antiviral treatment within mainstream medicine’s pharmacopeia is chemotherapy, which fails miserably at upholding medicine’s first rule due to the frequent undesired side effects.
Where can infections come from? If you ask medical practitioners, few will tell you that your teeth may be the source. It is my personal experience that about 85% of the people that I speak with, who are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor, tonsillar tumor, salivary gland tumor, tongue tumor, vertigo, head and neck tumors and other related diseases have dental pathology, not just mere cavities or amalgam issues. Mainstream medicine’s tunnel vision, which excludes dental consideration as a root cause for illnesses, short changes the patient.
Gastrointestinal Issues: What does the GI system have to do with Parkinson’s or dementia? On numerous occasions my studies keep teaching me that about 80% or more diseases are associated with gastrointestinal malfunction. The GI system is greatly misunderstood by both the general public and practitioners. Regrettably, many people and practitioners believe that one bowel movement a week is acceptable. People should have at least two bowel movements a day, every day.
Additionally, people are misled into thinking that when you do have a bowel movement, that your bowel is squeaky clean. Wrong again. If this were true, no one would develop diverticulosis or diverticulitis. Our colon has invaginations, or folds, think of an accordion. All the colon folds facilitate the entrapment of fecal matter. Additionally, most people do not drink sufficient amounts of water. This results in the reabsorption of water from the fecal material resulting in the hardening of the feces. This dehydration of the fecal matter along with the colon folds seems to act as glue, interrupting absorption and other GI functions.
One of the functions associated with our immune system is the production of the lymphatic fluid produced in our transverse colon, and whose function includes joint lubrication. I have noticed a direct relationship between autoimmune diseases and patients with erratic bowel movements. Clinically speaking, colon hydrotherapy seems to reverse this process.
It is not a far stretch to connect a healthy colon with a healthier self. The colon is also regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which is integrated with the cervical 1(C-1) and cervical 2 (C-2) spinal alignments.
Exercises: Exercise your brain as you would any other part of your body by engaging in different exercises designed to help in the rerouting the cerebral connections. At Utopia we have devised different exercises designed to do just that. We want to take advantage of the fact that apparently we don’t seem to use the majority of our physical brain.