(727) 799-9060 | Tampa, Florida
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(727) 799-9060 | Tampa, Florida
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Educational Videos | Utopia Cancer Center
Dr. Garcia on The Cancer Doctor Podcast
Walkthrough the Treatments at Utopia with Doc
Tour Utopia with Doc
Xochil & Taking care of patients at Utopia
Sumayah & Herbal Medicine at Utopia
Mark - Office Manager at Utopia
Maryanne & Colonics at Utopia
Why would I choose Utopia Cancer Center?
Sydney - Physician's Assistant at Utopia
Why are root canal filled teeth so dangerous?
Dr. Garcia Utopia Overview
Carlos M. Garcia, MD - Lecture Series
Cancer is a Symptom Trailer
Genetics 101
What role do emotions play in my health?
What are my options?
What can I expect from a biopsy?
How do genetics affect my health?
What is Cancer?