
Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer is a very stressful diagnosis and your Utopia Wellness team understands this. We work with you to design a customized holistic plan to ensure you have the most effective alternative treatments for your specific cancer.

Stomach Cancer

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancers tend to develop slowly over many years. Before a true cancer develops, pre-cancerous changes often occur in the inner lining (mucosa) of the stomach. These early changes rarely cause symptoms and therefore often go undetected.

Stomach cancers can spread (metastasize) in different ways. They can grow through the wall of the stomach and invade nearby organs. They can also spread to the lymph vessels and nearby lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are bean-sized structures that help fight infections. The stomach has a very rich network of lymph vessels and nodes. As the stomach cancer becomes more advanced, it can travel through the bloodstream and spread to organs such as the liver, lungs, and bones.

Signs and symptoms of Stomach Cancer?

Early signs of stomach cancer can include the following:

  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Loss of Appetite

As stomach tumors grow, you may have more serious symptoms, such as:

  • Stomach pain
  • Blood in stool
  • Vomiting
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Yellowish eyes or skin
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Fatigue and weakness

Traditional treatment options for Stomach Cancer

There are various treatment options for Stomach Cancer depending on the stage of the cancer but may include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Utopia Wellness’ Intensive Medical Program for Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer is a very stressful diagnosis and your Utopia Wellness team understands this. We work with you to design a customized holistic plan to ensure you have the most effective alternative treatments for your specific cancer.