The goal of an alkaline protocol is to achieve an optimal balance between acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods.
There is general agreement amongst natural healers and medical professionals alike, that changing a patient’s diet is extremely helpful when someone is confronted with a cancer diagnosis. The goal of an alkaline diet is to achieve an optimal balance between acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods. The alkaline diet greatly reduces the strain on the body’s acid-detoxification systems.
The alkaline diet, which is primarily plant-based and avoids sugar, dairy, wheat, and other high-gluten grains as well as excess consumption of fruits, while emphasizing fresh vegetables and vegetable juices along with cruciferous vegetables and greens, changes the body’s intracellular pH to come close to the ideal blood pH of 7.3/7.41 – a key metabolic accomplishment on the path to longevity whether you have cancer or not! An alkaline diet based on vegetables and fruits creates a less-than-optimal environment for cancer, while at the same time strengthening the immune function and supporting healthy cells in the body through.
How Can I Learn What Foods Are Acidic / Alkaline?
This is where a lot of people get confused. There are many food items that are acidic in their natural state (ie. Lemons, limes). However, after the process of digestion, they produce what is termed as an “alkaline ash” once digested and metabolized by the body. So while you may think lemon is acidic in the body, it is actually quite good at alkalinizing the body.

How Do I Know If I Am Alkaline Or Acidic?
Test Your Body’s Acidity or Alkalinity with pH Strips
It is recommended that you test your pH levels to determine if your body’s pH needs immediate attention. By using pH test strips (Litmus Paper), you can determine your pH factor quickly and easily in the privacy of your own home. The best time to test your pH is about one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal. The optimal pH is 7.0 or higher.