IV Ozone Therapy
All cancers, regardless of location or stage, have something in common. The cancer cells lack oxygen and use a form of non-oxygen metabolism in order to survive. IV medical ozone therapy is one of several oxygen therapies offered at Utopia Cancer Center that helps deliver oxygen to these cells.
What is Ozone?
When you ask most people this question, their answer would be “ozone gas” or the “ozone layer” in the atmosphere that is infamously associated with pollution. This answer is far from the true answer. Ozone gas is actually pure oxygen and when used as a therapeutic, it is powerful supercharged oxygen. In other words, we all know that oxygen alone is a very valuable medical treatment; ozone is much better.
Ozone gas occurs naturally and is often identified by its unique odor. You might notice that scent right after a thunderstorm. Ozone is produced during storms and also in waterfalls. Ozone is three atoms of oxygen, O3 versus the way oxygen exists in the air, which is O2. That is the only difference. The third oxygen atom is very unstable, however. After entering the body, it loses that third atom which then binds with harmful free radicals, bacteria, viruses, and molds. Ozone is therefore a powerful antioxidant with numerous health benefits.
Ozone was discovered in 1786 and first created in a German Lab in 1840. In 1873 it was discovered that when any microorganism such as bacteria, viruses, tuberculosis, and diphtheria, was exposed to ozone gas, it died.
Ozone has a long history of use. Ozone has the ability to deactivate pathogenic organisms making it a powerful disinfectant. Nikola Tesla created and patented the first ozone generator in 1896. Since then, it has been used as a safe and effective water purifier. During World War II, doctors used ozone topically to treat infected wounds. Research is still finding new and broader medical applications for its use.
What is Oxygen’s Role in Cancer?
Normal healthy cells are aerobic. This means they metabolize oxygen and glucose for energy. Cancer cells, however, are anaerobic and function only in the absence of oxygen. They create energy by means of fermentation, which produces lactic acid. The presence of lactic acid lowers the cellular pH, which in turn terminates the ability of RNA and DNA to control cell division. Cancer cells are capable then of proliferating unchecked.
Otto Warburg, a German physiologist and medical doctor, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his research on the relationship between oxygen and cancer cells. He proved that a lack of oxygen at the cellular level leads to the development of cancer. (3) His research proved that cancer cells use a form of non-oxygen metabolism, which medicine calls fermentation, in order to survive. Cancer cells are not like normal healthy cells. The way they metabolize and create energy for survival and multiplication is unique and quite dangerous.
Dr. Warburg discovered the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. He also discovered that a cancer cell cannot survive in an environment with high levels of oxygen. This is why one of our goals at Utopia is to increase oxygen levels in the body. We do this with a variety of oxygen therapies, including IV Ozone Therapy.
What is IV Ozone Therapy?
IV ozone therapy is the process of infusing medical ozone into your bloodstream via an intravenous solution. This creates an oxygen-rich environment in the body, flooding the cells. IV administration is the most effective way to infuse Ozone into the body. Ozone further benefits the patient by stimulating detoxification, improving blood flow, decreasing inflammation, enhancing the immune system, fortifying healthy cells, increasing white blood cell efficacy, increasing energy, and killing pathogens in the body (1).
What Are Other Benefits of Ozone Therapy?
Researchers are still exploring the numerous benefits of ozone therapy and its many medical uses for treating disease. In a 2011 review (3), trusted sources reported that ozone therapy benefited patients suffering from:
· Arthritis inflammation
· Wound infections
· Diabetes
· Immune system deficiencies
· Viral infections (HIV and SARS)
· Ischemic heart disease
· Macular degeneration
· Dental cavitations and infections
What are the Side Effects of Ozone Therapy?
Hundreds of thousands of ozone therapy treatments are administered throughout the world on a daily basis. In spite of the volume of treatments, there are very few adverse events reported.
IV ozone therapy, when administered by trained medical staff, is safe and has little to no side effects. The experienced staff will regulate the dosing and monitor the patient throughout the treatment.
When improperly administered in high doses or through accidental inhalation, side effects of ozone therapy may include irritated eyes, burning in the throat, nausea, headaches, lung damage, blood clots, and gas embolism. However, when properly dosed, the therapy causes little to no side effects. This is why it is very important to only receive this therapy at an experienced and well-respected medical center.
In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, they examined results from over 5,579,238 ozone therapy treatments spanning 644 therapists and 384,775 patients. Of these, there were only 0.000007%, (40 cases) of side effects noted. Ozone statistically is proven to be one of the safest medical therapies available.
(1) Ozone therapy: an overview of pharmacodynamics, current research, and clinical utility; Med Gas Res. 2017 Jul-Sep; 7(3): 212–219. Published online 2017 Oct 17. doi: 10.4103/2045-9912.215752
(3) Ozone therapy: A clinical review; J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 66–70. doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.82319